
Test Data

In this example we’ll be using the WGS example report used in the MultiQC documentation. You can find view the report in your browser here, and find the associated multiqc_data.json file here. Feel free to download this file and use it to follow along with this vignette.

In the rest of the vignette we will use the multiqc_data_path variable to indicate the path to this multiqc_data.json file. Feel free to set this variable to the path to this file on your system.


First, install the package using:


Then if you want, you can load the package:


However, for the sake of this tutorial we will explicitly use namespaced functions, so we won’t be using library a great deal.

Basic Usage

The main entry point to the TidyMultiqc package is the function load_multiqc. A basic invocation of this function looks like this:

(note the arrow for scrolling through columns)

df = TidyMultiqc::load_multiqc(multiqc_data_path)
#> # A tibble: 6 × 165
#>   metadata.sample_id general.total_reads general.mapped_reads
#>   <chr>                            <dbl>                <dbl>
#> 1 P4107_1003                   868204107            847562410
#> 2 P4107_1004                  1002828927            985115356
#> 3 P4107_1005                   974955793            955921317
#> 4 P4107_1002                   865975844            847067526
#> 5 P4107_1006                   912383669            894970438
#> 6 P4107_1001                   772071557            751147332
#> # ℹ 162 more variables: general.percentage_aligned <dbl>,
#> #   general.median_coverage <int>, general.median_insert_size <int>,
#> #   general.avg_gc <dbl>, general.1_x_pc <dbl>, general.5_x_pc <dbl>,
#> #   general.10_x_pc <dbl>, general.30_x_pc <dbl>, general.50_x_pc <dbl>,
#> #   general.genome <chr>, general.number_of_variants_before_filter <dbl>,
#> #   general.number_of_known_variants_brie_non_empty_id <dbl>,
#> #   general.number_of_known_variants_brie_non_empty_id_percent <dbl>, …

We’ve now generated a tibble (a kind of data frame), whose rows are samples in the QC report, and whose columns are QC data and metadata about these samples.

By default this function only returns the “general” statistics, which are the ones in the “General Statistics” table at the top of the MultiQC report. In TidyMultiqc, these statistics are all prefixed by general. We can also extract the “raw” statistics, which includes some fields normally hidden from the report. These statistics will have the prefix raw.<toolname>. where <toolname> is the QC tool used to calculate it.

TidyMultiqc::load_multiqc(multiqc_data_path, sections = 'raw')
#> # A tibble: 6 × 224
#>   metadata.sample_id raw.qualimap_bamqc_genome_results.…¹ raw.qualimap_bamqc_g…²
#>   <chr>              <chr>                                                 <dbl>
#> 1 P4107_1003         /scratch/109642/ANALYSIS/P4107/pipe…              868204107
#> 2 P4107_1004         /scratch/108816/ANALYSIS/P4107/pipe…             1002828927
#> 3 P4107_1005         /scratch/108818/ANALYSIS/P4107/pipe…              974955793
#> 4 P4107_1002         /scratch/108825/ANALYSIS/P4107/pipe…              865975844
#> 5 P4107_1006         /scratch/108820/ANALYSIS/P4107/pipe…              912383669
#> 6 P4107_1001         /scratch/108823/ANALYSIS/P4107/pipe…              772071557
#> # ℹ abbreviated names: ¹​raw.qualimap_bamqc_genome_results.bam_file,
#> #   ²​raw.qualimap_bamqc_genome_results.total_reads
#> # ℹ 221 more variables: raw.qualimap_bamqc_genome_results.mapped_reads <dbl>,
#> #   raw.qualimap_bamqc_genome_results.mapped_bases <dbl>,
#> #   raw.qualimap_bamqc_genome_results.sequenced_bases <dbl>,
#> #   raw.qualimap_bamqc_genome_results.mean_insert_size <dbl>,
#> #   raw.qualimap_bamqc_genome_results.median_insert_size <dbl>, …

Often you won’t care about fields like raw.qualimap_bamqc_genome_results.bam_file, the path to the original BAM file, but ‘raw’ at least provides this option.

You can also combine both general and raw sections by passing in a longer vector:

df_both = TidyMultiqc::load_multiqc(multiqc_data_path, sections = c('raw', 'general'))
#> [1] 388

That’s a lot of columns!


This section will briefly talk about some downstream use-cases for this package.


One use for this data frame is creating QC plots. For example, to visualise the duplication rate per sample:


df %>%
  ggplot2::ggplot(ggplot2::aes(x=metadata.sample_id, y=general.percent_duplication)) +

Of course, this is basically just replicating a plot already in the MultiQC report, but now we can customise it how we like!

Hypothesis Testing

With all this data, we might also want to test a specific hypothesis! For example, we might want to test the hypothesis that the mean GC content is the same as the mean GC content in the human genome (41%). If we assume that GC content is normally distributed, we can do the following:

t.test(df$general.percent_gc, mu=41)
#>  One Sample t-test
#> data:  df$general.percent_gc
#> t = -1, df = 5, p-value = 0.3632
#> alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 41
#> 95 percent confidence interval:
#>  40.40490 41.26176
#> sample estimates:
#> mean of x 
#>  40.83333

It seems that we cannot reject this hypothesis, so these may well be human samples!

Extracting Metadata

It may be the case that your samples have important metadata that you want in your data frame. For example, it is common for the sample names or file names to be composed of a number of metadata fields, and indeed the report we are working with has IDs such as P4107_1003, which is composed of two identifiers.

To include this metadata in our output, we need to provide the find_metadata argument to load_multiqc, which is a function that is called for each sample, and which returns a named vector of metadata fields for that sample. It also gets passed the entire parsed MultiQC JSON report, so the function can traverse the structure as it wants to extract metadata.

From the File Name

Here is an example that parses the input file names to annotate additional metadata. Notice that the first argument our function is passed is a string which is the sample identifier for a sample, and how in this example we ignore the parsed argument. Also notice that the names we give to our return value (“batch” and “sample”) are prefixed by “metadata” to become the final names in the data frame.

  find_metadata = function(sample, parsed) {
    # Split the sample ID to obtain some metadata
    segments <- stringr::str_split(sample, "_")[[1]]
      batch = segments[[1]],
      sample = segments[[2]]
#> # A tibble: 6 × 167
#>   metadata.sample_id metadata.batch metadata.sample general.total_reads
#>   <chr>              <chr>          <chr>                         <dbl>
#> 1 P4107_1003         P4107          1003                      868204107
#> 2 P4107_1004         P4107          1004                     1002828927
#> 3 P4107_1005         P4107          1005                      974955793
#> 4 P4107_1002         P4107          1002                      865975844
#> 5 P4107_1006         P4107          1006                      912383669
#> 6 P4107_1001         P4107          1001                      772071557
#> # ℹ 163 more variables: general.mapped_reads <dbl>,
#> #   general.percentage_aligned <dbl>, general.median_coverage <int>,
#> #   general.median_insert_size <int>, general.avg_gc <dbl>,
#> #   general.1_x_pc <dbl>, general.5_x_pc <dbl>, general.10_x_pc <dbl>,
#> #   general.30_x_pc <dbl>, general.50_x_pc <dbl>, general.genome <chr>,
#> #   general.number_of_variants_before_filter <dbl>,
#> #   general.number_of_known_variants_brie_non_empty_id <dbl>, …

From the File Path

We can extend this approach, but this time actually look up the file paths within the report_data_sources section of the MultiQC report:

  find_metadata = function(sample, parsed) {
    # This gives us the path to the fastqc output file
    filepath = parsed$report_data_sources$FastQC$all_sections[[sample]]
    # Split into path segments
    path_segments = stringr::str_split(filepath, "/")[[1]]
    # The filename is the last path segment
    filename = dplyr::last(path_segments)
    # Split the filename using dots and underscores
    name_segments = stringr::str_split(filename, "[_\\.]")[[1]]
    # Arbitrarily assign names for the outputs
    name_segments %>% purrr::set_names(LETTERS[1:length(name_segments)])
#> # A tibble: 6 × 173
#>   metadata.sample_id metadata.A metadata.B metadata.C metadata.D metadata.E
#>   <chr>              <chr>      <chr>      <chr>      <chr>      <chr>     
#> 1 P4107_1003         P4107      1003       S3         L004       R1        
#> 2 P4107_1004         P4107      1004       S4         L005       R1        
#> 3 P4107_1005         P4107      1005       S5         L006       R2        
#> 4 P4107_1002         P4107      1002       S2         L003       R2        
#> 5 P4107_1006         P4107      1006       S6         L007       R2        
#> 6 P4107_1001         P4107      1001       S1         L002       R2        
#> # ℹ 167 more variables: metadata.F <chr>, metadata.G <chr>, metadata.H <chr>,
#> #   general.total_reads <dbl>, general.mapped_reads <dbl>,
#> #   general.percentage_aligned <dbl>, general.median_coverage <int>,
#> #   general.median_insert_size <int>, general.avg_gc <dbl>,
#> #   general.1_x_pc <dbl>, general.5_x_pc <dbl>, general.10_x_pc <dbl>,
#> #   general.30_x_pc <dbl>, general.50_x_pc <dbl>, general.genome <chr>,
#> #   general.number_of_variants_before_filter <dbl>, …

Of course in a real application we would choose specific names for each field.

From MultiQC Configuration

Finally, we might want to include metadata that doesn’t relate to the sample at all. For example, MultiQC has a number of report fields prefixed by config_ that we might want to store:

  find_metadata = function(sample, parsed) {
#> # A tibble: 6 × 167
#>   metadata.sample_id metadata.config_creation_date metadata.config_version
#>   <chr>              <chr>                         <chr>                  
#> 1 P4107_1003         2021-03-08, 21:54             1.10                   
#> 2 P4107_1004         2021-03-08, 21:54             1.10                   
#> 3 P4107_1005         2021-03-08, 21:54             1.10                   
#> 4 P4107_1002         2021-03-08, 21:54             1.10                   
#> 5 P4107_1006         2021-03-08, 21:54             1.10                   
#> 6 P4107_1001         2021-03-08, 21:54             1.10                   
#> # ℹ 164 more variables: general.total_reads <dbl>, general.mapped_reads <dbl>,
#> #   general.percentage_aligned <dbl>, general.median_coverage <int>,
#> #   general.median_insert_size <int>, general.avg_gc <dbl>,
#> #   general.1_x_pc <dbl>, general.5_x_pc <dbl>, general.10_x_pc <dbl>,
#> #   general.30_x_pc <dbl>, general.50_x_pc <dbl>, general.genome <chr>,
#> #   general.number_of_variants_before_filter <dbl>,
#> #   general.number_of_known_variants_brie_non_empty_id <dbl>, …

Extracting Plot Data


It is occasionally useful to extract QC data from the MultiQC plots. For example, let’s say we want to calculate the median quality score of every base in each sample. Unfortunately, MultiQC provides no numerical summary statistic for the read quality, it only has mapping quality and pass/fails for the per-base sequence quality:

df_both %>% dplyr::select(dplyr::contains('quality'))
#> # A tibble: 6 × 5
#>   raw.qualimap_bamqc_genome_resu…¹ raw.fastqc.sequences…² raw.fastqc.per_base_…³
#>                              <dbl>                  <dbl> <chr>                 
#> 1                             50.3                      0 pass                  
#> 2                             50.4                      0 pass                  
#> 3                             50.3                      0 pass                  
#> 4                             50.3                      0 pass                  
#> 5                             50.3                      0 pass                  
#> 6                             50.3                      0 pass                  
#> # ℹ abbreviated names: ¹​raw.qualimap_bamqc_genome_results.mean_mapping_quality,
#> #   ²​raw.fastqc.sequences_flagged_as_poor_quality,
#> #   ³​raw.fastqc.per_base_sequence_quality
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: raw.fastqc.per_tile_sequence_quality <chr>,
#> #   raw.fastqc.per_sequence_quality_scores <chr>

However, our MultiQC report does have plots that contain this information. In particular, let’s look at the “Per Sequence Quality Scores” plot.

Listing Plots

Firstly, we need the ID of the plot we want. This isn’t necessarily obvious from just looking at the report, so we can use a utility function here:

#> # A tibble: 20 × 2
#>    id                                      title                                
#>    <chr>                                   <chr>                                
#>  1 qualimap_coverage_histogram             Qualimap BamQC: Coverage histogram   
#>  2 qualimap_genome_fraction                Qualimap BamQC: Genome fraction cove…
#>  3 qualimap_insert_size                    Qualimap BamQC: Insert size histogram
#>  4 qualimap_gc_content                     Qualimap BamQC: GC content distribut…
#>  5 snpeff_variant_effects_region           SnpEff: Counts by Genomic Region     
#>  6 snpeff_variant_effects_impact           SnpEff: Counts by Effects Impact     
#>  7 snpeff_effects                          SnpEff: Counts by Effect Types       
#>  8 snpeff_variant_effects_class            SnpEff: Counts by Functional Class   
#>  9 snpeff_qualities                        SnpEff: Qualities                    
#> 10 gatk_varianteval_variant_plot           GATK VariantEval: Variant Counts     
#> 11 picard_deduplication                    Picard: Deduplication Stats          
#> 12 fastqc_sequence_counts_plot             FastQC: Sequence Counts              
#> 13 fastqc_per_base_sequence_quality_plot   FastQC: Mean Quality Scores          
#> 14 fastqc_per_sequence_quality_scores_plot FastQC: Per Sequence Quality Scores  
#> 15 fastqc_per_sequence_gc_content_plot     FastQC: Per Sequence GC Content      
#> 16 fastqc_per_base_n_content_plot          FastQC: Per Base N Content           
#> 17 fastqc_sequence_duplication_levels_plot FastQC: Sequence Duplication Levels  
#> 18 fastqc_overrepresented_sequencesi_plot  FastQC: Overrepresented sequences    
#> 19 fastqc_adapter_content_plot             FastQC: Adapter Content              
#> 20 fastqc-status-check-heatmap             FastQC: Status Checks

Now, we know we want the “Per Sequence Quality Scores” plot, and by looking at the data frame above we can tell that the corresponding ID is fastqc_per_sequence_quality_scores_plot.

Loading Plots

Now that we have the plot ID, we can load the plot data. First, we need to tell TidyMultiqc to load include some plots by using sections = "plot" (you can load other sections at the same time, as explained above). Also, we need to pass the plot ID from the previous step into the plots argument:

df = TidyMultiqc::load_multiqc(
  sections = 'plot',
  plots = "fastqc_per_sequence_quality_scores_plot"
#> # A tibble: 6 × 2
#>   metadata.sample_id plot.fastqc_per_sequence_quality_scores_plot
#>   <chr>              <list>                                      
#> 1 P4107_1001         <tibble [35 × 2]>                           
#> 2 P4107_1002         <tibble [38 × 2]>                           
#> 3 P4107_1003         <tibble [31 × 2]>                           
#> 4 P4107_1004         <tibble [32 × 2]>                           
#> 5 P4107_1005         <tibble [40 × 2]>                           
#> 6 P4107_1006         <tibble [40 × 2]>

We now have the plot data, but it’s not in a very usable form! This is because each sample has an entire data frame of plot data. At this point if you’re comfortable using dplyr and tidyr to deal with nested data frames, you probably know what to do. Otherwise, read on.

Converting Plot Data

Recall that we are after the median quality score of each sample. First, we should look at the plot data for a single sample to know what we’re dealing with:

#> # A tibble: 35 × 2
#>        x      y
#>    <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1     7      2
#>  2     8     13
#>  3     9    121
#>  4    10    702
#>  5    11   3962
#>  6    12  11946
#>  7    13  33566
#>  8    14  77653
#>  9    15 157422
#> 10    16 294209
#> # ℹ 25 more rows

So each data frame is a set of x, y pairs. As it’s a histogram plot, we know that the x value is the quality score, and y is the number of times that score has been counted.


One possible way to process this nested data is to use tidyr:

df %>%
  tidyr::unnest(cols = plot.fastqc_per_sequence_quality_scores_plot)
#> # A tibble: 216 × 3
#>    metadata.sample_id     x      y
#>    <chr>              <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1 P4107_1001             7      2
#>  2 P4107_1001             8     13
#>  3 P4107_1001             9    121
#>  4 P4107_1001            10    702
#>  5 P4107_1001            11   3962
#>  6 P4107_1001            12  11946
#>  7 P4107_1001            13  33566
#>  8 P4107_1001            14  77653
#>  9 P4107_1001            15 157422
#> 10 P4107_1001            16 294209
#> # ℹ 206 more rows

As you can see, if we unnest in this way, we now have multiple rows for the same sample, which is a bit confusing (and not Tidy). However, if we use group_by and then summarise, this can be a useful way to calculate summary statistics. For example, if we want the total number of reads, we could do the following:

df %>%
  tidyr::unnest(cols = plot.fastqc_per_sequence_quality_scores_plot) %>%
  dplyr::group_by(metadata.sample_id) %>%
  dplyr::summarise(total_reads = sum(y))
#> # A tibble: 6 × 2
#>   metadata.sample_id total_reads
#>   <chr>                    <dbl>
#> 1 P4107_1001           383592756
#> 2 P4107_1002           430185524
#> 3 P4107_1003           431379000
#> 4 P4107_1004           498165399
#> 5 P4107_1005           484233426
#> 6 P4107_1006           453238610

Mapping with Purrr

Although unnesting worked well in this example, it can get a bit awkward for more complex operations. In these cases we can use purrr. Refer to the next section for an example that compares both approaches. The below example sums the number of reads for each sample, as we have done above, but this time it uses purrr::map_dbl to map over the list of data frames:

df %>%
    total_reads = purrr::map_dbl(plot.fastqc_per_sequence_quality_scores_plot, ~sum(.$y)),
    plot.fastqc_per_sequence_quality_scores_plot = NULL
#> # A tibble: 6 × 2
#>   metadata.sample_id total_reads
#>   <chr>                    <dbl>
#> 1 P4107_1001           383592756
#> 2 P4107_1002           430185524
#> 3 P4107_1003           431379000
#> 4 P4107_1004           498165399
#> 5 P4107_1005           484233426
#> 6 P4107_1006           453238610

Properly Handling Histogram Data

Of course, we actually want to find the median here, which is a bit harder. Luckily there exists a package called HistDat for generating summary statistics from histogram-type data. You can check out the package’s manual and vignettes here, but in brief, we want to convert each of these plot data frames into a HistDat object, which we can do using the same strategies as before. Then, using HistDat, we can calculate our summary statistics in one of the two ways mentioned above.

Using the tidyr approach, we can unnest the plot data, group it, create a HistDat object for each group, and then produce new columns using the new hist column:

df %>%
  tidyr::unnest(cols = plot.fastqc_per_sequence_quality_scores_plot) %>%
  dplyr::group_by(metadata.sample_id) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(hist = list(HistDat::HistDat(vals = x, counts = y)), .keep = "unused") %>%
    mean_coverage = hist %>% dplyr::first() %>% mean(),
    median_coverage = hist %>% dplyr::first() %>% median(),
    max_coverage = hist %>% dplyr::first() %>% max(),
    hist= NULL
  ) %>%
#> # A tibble: 6 × 4
#> # Groups:   metadata.sample_id [6]
#>   metadata.sample_id mean_coverage median_coverage max_coverage
#>   <chr>                      <dbl>           <dbl>        <dbl>
#> 1 P4107_1001                  37.4              40           41
#> 2 P4107_1002                  37.9              40           41
#> 3 P4107_1003                  39.4              41           41
#> 4 P4107_1004                  40.0              41           41
#> 5 P4107_1005                  38.3              40           41
#> 6 P4107_1006                  37.6              40           41

Alternatively, using the purrr method, we can just map each plot data frame into a row of summary statistics. Much neater!

df %>%
    purrr::map_dfr(plot.fastqc_per_sequence_quality_scores_plot, function(plot_df){
      hist = HistDat::HistDat(vals=plot_df$x, counts = plot_df$y)
        mean_coverage = mean(hist),
        median_coverage = median(hist),
        max_coverage = max(hist)
    plot.fastqc_per_sequence_quality_scores_plot = NULL
#> # A tibble: 6 × 4
#>   metadata.sample_id mean_coverage median_coverage max_coverage
#>   <chr>                      <dbl>           <dbl>        <dbl>
#> 1 P4107_1001                  37.4              40           41
#> 2 P4107_1002                  37.9              40           41
#> 3 P4107_1003                  39.4              41           41
#> 4 P4107_1004                  40.0              41           41
#> 5 P4107_1005                  38.3              40           41
#> 6 P4107_1006                  37.6              40           41

Custom Plot Parsers

So far, we have used TidyMultiqc’s built-in parsers. Each parser is a function that converts the plot JSON into a list of data frames. However, it is possible that we might encounter a new type of plot that is not yet implemented in TidyMultiqc. If this happens, the first thing you should do is file an issue against this package.

Then, if you’re daring, you can try to implement a parser. For your reference, you can refer to the existing parsers in the source code. Then, you can pass in your custom parser using the plot_parsers argument to load_multiqc:

  sections = 'plot',
  plots = "fastqc_per_sequence_quality_scores_plot",
  plot_parsers = list(
    # This fake parser function takes a plot and just returns the iris dataset
    xy_line = function(plot_data, name){
        sample_1 = list(
          plot_name = list(iris)
#> # A tibble: 1 × 2
#>   metadata.sample_id plot_name     
#>   <chr>              <list>        
#> 1 sample_1           <df [150 × 5]>

Finally, if your parser works, please submit a pull request to TidyMultiqc to share this with everyone!

Using the strategies and patterns explained in this section, you should be in good stead to handle whatever plots MultiQC throws at you.